Spring Cleaning for a Pest-Free Home

Spring Cleaning for a Pest-Free Home

With spring-like temperatures just around the corner, and Americans suffering from cabin fever across the land, many of us might be thinking about doing some spring cleaning. Not only is this time-honored practice a great way to create a more orderly home, but also a smart way to prevent pests from becoming a major problem.While you are spending some precious weekend hours cleaning your closets and emptying out the basement, you should carve out some time to go the extra mile and not just clean to create more space, but clean with pests in mind. Here are a few spring cleaning tasks that can help with this goal in mind.


Eliminate Clutter

Clutter isn't just an eyesore in your attic, basement, or garage. It's a potential breeding ground for pests of all types including: rats, mice, bed bugs, wildlife, and spiders. Piles of papers, clothes, or other home items that have gone undisturbed for long periods of time can become a warm, protective nesting place for pests that commonly look for harbor inside homes over the winter. Regular cleaning can eliminate the areas where pests would be hidden while they use your home as a vacation resort.

Remedy Moisture Issues

It's no secret that pests need access to food and water to survive. If your home has a humidity or moisture problem, you may want to look into ways to reduce the water from your home. Install a humidifier, fix faulty plumbing, eliminate drips in the sinks or showers, and remove any standing water in your yard such as old tires or pet dishes. These little changes can prevent pests from finding your home attractive when they are on the hunt for a place to nest.

messy room

Clean Trash Receptacles

While you are cleaning out your home this spring, don't forget to give your trash barrels and the area around them a good washing. Barrels tend to collect old food items and drips of drinks. These are attractive leftovers for wildlife and other types of pests that inhabit your yard and frequent your neighborhood.As an added step in this spring cleaning project, you may want to evaluate whether you need new locking trash bins that could prevent wildlife from getting into your trash and causing a mess. A sturdy cover and locking mechanism can be just enough to keep most critters away.

Repair Openings to Your Home

As you move from room to room cleaning, be sure to take note of any windows or doors that need repairs. Broken screens and gaps under doors are easy access points for pests that will try to enter your home as the weather continues to improve this spring. Go around and replace screens, seal up gaps in windows, and cover any openings that could be allowing critters into the interior of your home.This spring, when you are tidying up your closets, putting away your seasonal decor, and cleaning up your yard, don't forget to take a few extra precautions to rid your home of a potential pest problem. Seal up cracks in your home, clean up the clutter, wash down those trash barrels, and remove moisture issues to prevent a future infestation that could ruin your warmer months.