After more than a full year of not traveling because of the risks of spreading and contracting COVID-19, many Americans are finally back to hitting the road and taking to the skies once again. According to Air Tracker online, the airline industry took a major pounding in 2020, but they seem to be bouncing back with an increase in recreational and business travel from the last quarter of 2020 to the second quarter of 2021. Are you going to be one of the hundred of thousands that are planning summer travel this year?Summer travel seems to be in the cards for many Americans as many people are now becoming vaccinated and want to set off to their favorite locations. While the risk of bringing coronavirus back home with you seems to have decreased substantially, the risk of bringing home an unwanted pest has not. We are talking about the hitchhiking pest called the bed bug.Here is a quick guide to help you get back into the summer travel mode while still being safe from bed bugs at each hotel, on each plane, bus, Uber, and train you take.
After the year we have just experienced, we all deserve to head off to some tropical location and relax for an extended vacation. Summer travel can be fun and enjoyable, unfortunately, traveling means being aware of bed bugs at each step of the way.The National Pest Management Association states that bed bugs have made a major resurgence since the late 1990s. More and more travelers are noticing the telltale signs of bed bug infestations in hotels, busses, planes, and other common areas during their trips.
If bed bugs have traveled home with you after your vacation, you may need professional help to remove the problem before it gets worse. Talk to our bed bug specialists about our treatment options and what might be best for your home.