Spring Pests on the Move

Spring Pests on the Move

Spring is almost here! Well, at least according to the calendar. It may take Mother Nature and the temperature time to catch up but you can tell it is inching closer and closer. This means sunny weather, rising temps and getting outside finally! Unfortunately, this also means that the pests are, on the move as well. Let's take a closer look at what pests to be aware of and where you are likely to spot them. Springtime, with its wonderful warmth means that, like most animals, pests are awakening too! Along with coming out of hibernation or come out of their overwintering location, this is also a prime time for mating. This means an increase in the population of pests. It's no wonder you are seeing more and more emerge into the interior of your home. The main culprits this time of year include: rodents, ants, Indian meal moths, stink bugs, spiders, cockroaches, and beetles. Each of these pests have areas of your home that they tend to frequent. Here is a quick run down of where you can find these critters and some simple steps to solve the problem. For large infestations or recurring pests, we suggest that you have one of our technicians evaluate the area and come up with a treatment solution.


These pests tend to be found in areas where there is access to food and water. Therefore, your kitchen and bathrooms are prime real estate for finding what they need. Keep areas clean and free of crumbs. If you have drips or leaks in your sink, tub or toilet, be sure to have them fixed to avoid ants from being drawn to the area.

Indian Meal Moths

These pests are known as pantry pests because they make good use of the cereals and food crumbs that can be found in that area. Inspect pantry shelves and food items often to be sure these pests have not found their way into your food containers.

Stink Bugs

These pests tend to reemerge in the spring after overwintering in the walls of homes where they can survive the cold. Be aware that they bugs are called stink bugs for a reason. If you should step on or even scare they release an awful scent.


Cockroaches are constantly in search of food, water and a dry home. You may find these critters scuttling around your kitchen or bathroom. Sealing entrances can help but you may need to begin a treatment plan to rid yourself of these creatures.


During the fall months beetles sometimes make their way into homes for warmth. In the spring they reemerge and work their way back outside. Keep food tightly sealed, thoroughly clean up spills and do not leave food sitting out for an extended period of time, if possible.Spring pests are on the move. Do you have pests that you would like to see eliminated from your home? Call Pest-End Exterminators now at 1-800-287-4321, 603-382-9644, or 978-794-4321.