Identifying Ants vs Termites

Identifying Ants vs Termites

Ants are a common problem in our region. Unfortunately, so are termites. The two are often misidentified and confused by homeowners. Treatment for each type of pest varies greatly so correctly identifying the differences between the two is critical to determining what type of damage there may be as well as eliminating the problem.Carpenter ants differ from termites in that they have dark-colored bodies, narrow waists, elbowed (bent) antennae, and - if wings are present - hind wings that are shorter than front wings. Carpenter ants are very common and are frequently seen in the open, especially after sunset. An ant generally has three distinct body segments.Termites are light-colored, have a broad waist, have straight antennae and, if present, wings are of equal length. They avoid light and are rarely seen outside of their colony, except when winged reproductives, called kings and queens, leave a termite colony. A termite has two distinct body segments with a waistline closer to the head.When there are swarms of flying insects inside or outside of a home, it is sometimes difficult to tell the difference between a swarm of flying ants and a swarm of termites. Telling the difference is extremely important, because ants are generally just a nuisance, whereas termites can cause extensive, extremely expensive damage to a home.If you are still confused and need help both identifying and eliminating the pest call Pest-End to solve your pesky problem. We can not only correctly identify but treat according to the type of pest we find.