

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck, wood? We probably all remember this tongue twister from our childhood and thought nothing more about these furry cute creatures. Chances are that if you have seen a woodchuck, otherwise known as groundhogs or whistle pigs, you may have just enjoyed watching it in its natural environment. But what if a groundhog has made its burrow in your yard near your garden? They are not as cute then, are they? Here is some helpful information about these prolific diggers that will help you prevent them from finding refuge in your yard or garden as well as some warnings about the damage this creature can do.Identifying Groundhogs -Groundhogs are stocky mammals with strong, short legs and short bushy tails. Their fur ranges from dark to light brown with very light guard hairs, making them sometimes look frosted. Their front feet have long, curved claws used for digging burrows. Groundhogs generally weigh between five and ten pounds, and males are usually slightly larger than females.Damage -Groundhogs can cause major damage to farmers and home gardeners. They love to eat vegetables and leave the soil weak in areas where they burrow, resulting in damage to farm equipment and injuries to horses and livestock. In extreme cases, groundhog burrows have even been known to damage the foundations of barns, garages, or homes. In addition to physical damage, disease is also an issue that comes with groundhogs. Rabies can also be a concern for people who have groundhogs on their property. They are mammals, making them susceptible to the disease. (Source: Farmers Almanac)Prevention and Solutions:Groundhogs don't tend to stray too far from their burrow and tunnels so shutting them out from their homes is one prevention technique. For example, using fences and netting that can shut these creature out from their homes may encourage them to find a new place away from your dwelling. Unfortunately, solutions are best if taken on by a professional like Pest-End Exterminators Live trapping a relocation should not be done by an amateur. Call us if you have a groundhog problem and are looking for a safe, professional and expert solution.