Fall Invaders in the Summer: Why New Englanders Shouldn’t Wait to Combat Autumn Pests

Fall Invaders in the Summer: Why New Englanders Shouldn’t Wait to Combat Autumn Pests

As the vibrant hues of summer settle in for the season, it’s easy to get lost in the present. New England is a wonderful place to spend the summer—despite the pests who may come to visit. But we wanted to share a warning not to forget about what lies just ahead: the fall season, and with it a hoard of sneaky invaders. Though associated with the crisp weather of autumn, these fall pests actually start laying their path toward your home in June& July.

Long story short: waiting until the fall to protect your home against fall invaders might just be too late!

Here’s what you need to know about the most common fall invaders in New England—and why the time to start preparing for their arrival is actually in the summer.

Know Thy Enemy: New England’s Most Common Fall Invaders

Before diving into prevention strategies, it’s important to know who you’re up against this season. The following pests could be seeking entry into your home this fall—but starting their preparations for the big invasion starting in June & July.

Cluster Flies
Cluster Flies

These flies are attracted to warm areas and can become a nuisance as they gather in large numbers. Earthworm parasites, they thrive in areas with fertile soil but also are easily able to find their way in doors through crevices and cracks. Killing them can be as easy as swatting them away—but be warned that they may leave a sour odor and stain surfaces in their wake.

Stink Bugs
Stink Bugs

Known for their unpleasant odor, stink bugs look for a warm place to overwinter. They’ll make moves in the summer, wandering inside for some safe, cozy shelter, and make themselves right at home as the weather grows cooler once again. These invasive bugs also pose a threat to fruits, vegetables, and other leafy crops, making a meal out of your garden.

Boxelder Bugs
Boxelder Bugs

These pests are often found in large groups the move in search of sunlight and warmth. Commonly found on the sunny sides of buildings, they’ll sunbathe together—before moving indoors as the sun sets in search of a safe, warm environment. They’re also known to wander indoors in advertently, following the path of the sun as it shines through windows in your home.

Asian Lady Beetles
Asian Lady Beetles

Often mistaken for ladybugs, these cute critters are also attracted to warm, sunny areas and do to their small forms, are often able to slip inside homes through cracks and open windows. A helpful pest, they do have their uses for consuming plant-eating insects (including mites!), but in large numbers, they can be a bit of a nuisance. Their primary breeding season is during the summer—and come fall, they will seek refuge indoors to overwinter!

Western Conifer Seed Bugs
Western Conifer Seed Bugs

These slow-moving, angular critters, also called pine seed bugs, are another common accidental invader. They tend to wander their way inside, like other bugs on this list, in pursuit of warmth and sunlight. They are not particularly harmful, but a nuisance to have in large numbers around the house—especially as the weather gets cooler into the fall season.

Your Fall Invaders Prevention Checklist

Tip #1: In The Fight Against Pests, Cleanliness Goes A Long Way

A clean home is less attractive to pests—where they can’t as easily make a snack out of food debris or find hidden spots amid clutter where they might go unnoticed. Regularly clean and maintain:

  • Kitchen: Wipe down countertops, clean up spills immediately, and store food in airtight containers.
  • Basements and Attics: Declutter and vacuum regularly to avoid providing hiding spots for pests.
  • Garbage Areas: Keep trash bins sealed and dispose of garbage regularly.

Tip #2: Close & Seal Any Cracks or Gaps That Could Become Entry Points

As late summer and early fall temperatures begin to drop, these invaders cluster on structures and attempt to find their way in through any gap possible. Inspect your home for any gaps, cracks, or holes that pests could use to enter and seal up those problem areas, paying close attention to:

  • Windows and Doors: Ensure that screens are intact and that weather stripping is in good condition.
  • Foundation: Check for cracks or gaps and seal them with caulk or other appropriate materials.
  • Roof and Attic: Look for openings around vents, chimneys, and roof edges. Seal any found gaps.

Tip #3: Yard Maintenance Is Crucial

A well-maintained yard can deter pests from approaching your home. Implement these practices:

  • Trim Vegetation: Keep shrubs, trees, and other plants trimmed and away from the house.
  • Remove Debris: Clear away fallen leaves, wood piles, and other debris that can provide shelter for pests.
  • Store Firewood Properly: Keep firewood at least 20 feet away from your home and elevated off the ground.

Tip #4: Prevent Fall Invaders with Professional Treatment

If you find yourself overwhelmed or dealing with persistent pest problems each fall or want to get ahead of the problem before it happens(which we cannot recommend more!), please feel free to reach out for reinforcements from an experienced pest control team.

Before fall approaches, we’ll help you take proactive steps to secure your home against New England’s most common invaders. We target nuisance pests with a season-specific treatment to the exterior that is designed to greatly reduce the amount of these fall invaders able to enter.

Using industry leading products and techniques that target utility penetrations, windows, doors, vents, and any other treatable construction gap where they may enter, we keep pests out for good.

Prepare Now—and Enjoy a Pest-Free Fall Season

When completed in a timely manner, our Fall Invader Program also comes with a pest reduction guarantee: we will greatly reduce the amount off all invading pests inside of your home or business. If activity persists, we do have multiple techniques and control measures to ensure a successful reduction.

If you’d like to secure your home against fall pests, get in touch here for a free quote and more information from our pest control team!