Do I Need an Exterminator?

Do I Need an Exterminator?

Living in Massachusetts means that many of us deal with wildlife, insects, and all sorts of critters that can enter our homes and cause damage or bring disease. While most homeowners do their due diligence to keep these pests away from their home, unfortunately no one is immune to an infestation every once and awhile. But how do you know when a problem is something you can fix on your own, and when should you call in the exterminator?There is a time and a place for do-it-yourself projects. Fixing a leaky faucet, painting a bedroom or even power washing your home could be on that list. When it comes to infestations though, things get tricky in the world of do-it-yourself.Here are a few signs that your pest problem should be handled by experienced and professional pest extermination team members like our specialists here at Pest-End Exterminators.

ants on a hand

Your Efforts Have Not Been Successful

Sure, we have all used hardware store methods to catch a mouse, or locked up our garbage to stop the nightly visits from raccoons and wildlife, but what about those times when your efforts have not gone well or utterly failed. As we have mentioned in past blogs, sometimes time is of the essence. For instance, when your mouse problem keeps multiplying literally every month, you want to get an exterminator into your home pronto.Other examples where your efforts, while valiant, may have proven less than successful could be when you have an extensive termite problem, a bigger bed bug problem than you thought, or a critter stuck in your chimney with no way to get it out. These are all times you should take your lack of success as a sign to hire the professionals.

The Problem is Bigger Than You Thought

Often when do-it-yourselfers try to rid their home of a pest, they have no real idea of the scope of the problem. Unfortunately, sometimes when you start peeling away at the issue it becomes like peeling away the parts of an onion. The more you peel off, the more you realize you have to go before solving the problem.We often are called into homes where homeowners have made attempts at ridding their home of a pest and realized that the issue involved a level of expertise or equipment that they just did not have access to. That's where we come in.

A cute chipmunk looking at camera

The Problem Could Be a Safety Issue

Trapping a raccoon for release into the wild or dealing with bats in the attic is not for the faint of heart. Some pests can be dangerous or carry disease. If this is the case, you will want to call in the professionals that have the expertise and experience with all sorts of pests and wildlife to take care of your problem.Do you have a pest issue that you have tried to solve but you need some help? Contact us today for a consult and get started on ridding your home of these pests.