When most of us think about preventing or mitigating pest issues, we envision chemical treatments, thermal remediation, or calling an exterminator. Our minds often rush to thoughts of removing and excluding whatever pest is infiltrating our space. Thankfully, there are some other methods that homeowners can try in order to make their property less attractive to pests. Landscaping is one such method.Landscaping is one of those things that most of us believe is done for the sole purpose of aesthetics, when in reality, it can be done to help control pests from finding their way into our homes. Here are a few ways strategic landscaping can be an excellent form of pest control on your property.
Choosing the right plants and herbs can be a step in the right direction to naturally repel pests. For example, Chrysanthemums are gorgeous, and they'll help repel all kinds of pests, including fleas, ticks, roaches, ants, silverfish, and lice. For specific plants that may help ward off pests of all varieties, check out this article from USA Today about Plants That Bug Bugs.
While it would be nice to have a large swath of thick, lush plantings all over your yard, the truth of the matter is that choosing the right placement can help deter pests. The more thick and dense your planting, the more likely the plantings will become a haven for mice and rats, along with insects of all varieties. Spacing your plantings out will allow for a line of vision to spot any nesting pests and to remove the nest immediately.On another note about placement of flowers, bushes, and plants, try not to position your bushes and planting too close to your home. Insects and other pests love to use greenery as a means to get inside your home. Keep any growth trimmed back so that pests can not use the organic growth as a bridge to get to the structure of your home.
Try not to become complacent about the amount and type of ground cover you are using for your property. For example, pests love decaying and old wood so wood chips become a safe space to hide and feed. The same goes for lawn and leaf debris that can accumulate in gardens and at the edge of properties. Clean it all up and try to use mulch that is insect resistant.As for composting, don't forget to keep your composting bin clean and covered so not to encourage rodents and wildlife from entering your yard looking for a meal.With spring landscaping on the horizon, consider these tips when starting your home's landscaping. If you have further questions about placement and planting that tend to repel pests, give us a call or contact us through our website.