Are You Prepared For Flying Pest Season?

Are You Prepared For Flying Pest Season?

It's a welcome relief that the weather is improving from the long days and nights of the winter, allowing us to get outdoors. It does mean, however, that we need to prepare for those annoying flying pests that come with the change in season. Mosquitoes and stinging bees can not only be an annoyance, they can come with some health hazards as well. Let's look at how prepared you are for outdoor entertaining and managing the flying pest season.Just as the weather changes, the types and quantities of pests we deal with do, too. Two of the most important species to consider every spring are: stinging bees/wood boring bees, and mosquitoes.

A stinging bee on a green leaf

Stinging Insects

No one wants to be interrupted during a spring BBQ, or while gardening, by pests that threaten to sting. Stinging insects include bees, wasps, yellow jackets, and hornets. These insects wake up from their dormant stage in the spring and they become more active. Spring is the start of their mating season as they seek to establish their nests and breed.Our recent mild winter will only add to the early arrival of these stinging pests and potentially could also mean an increase in quantity as well.To avoid getting stung by these pests, follow some fairly simple guidelines while you are outdoors. Dress appropriately in your yard or during any outing. Wear light colors, longer sleeves and pants, avoid perfumes, and always wear shoes to prevent stepping on a bee or underground nest.In addition to wearing clothing to avoid stings, it is also important to create a yard that discourages stinging pests from heading your way. For example, keep your grill and outside cooking area clear of drips and spills. Use trash bags that can be tied, sealed and covered in your garbage cans to deter stinging insects from being attracted to your trash. These small steps can help keep you and your yard just a little bit safer from stinging insects.

A mosquito on a persons skin


We hear the statistics every year of the spread of diseases such as West Nile and Zika caused by the bite of a mosquito. Taking action to prevent the potential illnesses can start right in your own backyard. To avoid contracting any mosquito-borne illnesses means you will need to take a few preventative steps each time you head outdoors.Wear clothing that is light but covers as much of your skin as possible. Apply insect repellent that has the ingredient DEET. Avoid traveling outside during peak mosquito times including dawn and dusk. Along with that, try to steer clear of mosquito hotspots such as standing bodies of water and humid, wet environments.To stop mosquitoes from breeding in your yard, remove all standing water. Even what may seem like a small puddle, a pet's water bowl, or a child's upside down frisbee can harbor a breeding ground for these pests. In addition to clearing your yard of breeding areas, add a fan or two to your entertaining area. The breeze will discourage mosquitoes and other pests from landing, stinging/biting, and creating a problem.Take a quick look around your yard and determine if you are taking appropriate steps to protect yourself and your family. If you need assistance, our team can help whether it is removing a wasp or hornet's nest or treating your yard for mosquitoes and ticks. Contact us for more information.