Celebrate Rodent Awareness Week with Tips & Tricks for Keeping Mice & Rats Out

Remember, prevention is key—so act now to keep rodents out of your life!

Celebrate Rodent Awareness Week with Tips & Tricks for Keeping Mice & Rats Out

As the leaves fall and the temperatures dip, the Northeast is the perfect place to enjoy autumn—but also for rodents to take up residence where they don’t belong!  

With Rodent Awareness Week (October 15-21) upon us, it's important to remember why controlling these pests is essential. Apart from the fact that mice and rats are—let’s face it—gross and a little creepy, they can also cause significant damage to our homes and pose a serious health risk to our families.  

In fact, Rodent Awareness Week was established by The National Pest Management Association (NPMA) to help educate homeowners about the dangers rodents pose, as well as the importance of rodent control and how to protect their properties from infestations.  

“Without fail, pests like rats and mice intrude into millions of homes each year,” said Dr. Jim Fredericks, Senior Vice President of Public Affairs for NPMA. “To protect families and their properties, we utilize Rodent Awareness Week as an annual reminder of rodent infestations and provide the public with knowledge and tools they can use to keep these pests out of their homes.”

Why Rodent Control is Necessary and Important

We’re not mousing around: rodents can be dangerous.  

When it comes to rodents invading your property, there are two main risks to keep in mind: health risks and property damage. Firstly, it's important to understand that rats and mice, and the parasites they carry with them, can pose significant health risks and are known to transmit more than 35 illnesses, including salmonella, Hantavirus, Bubonic plague, rat-bite fever, hepatitis E, and leptospirosis. Rodents can transmit these illnesses to humans through direct contact with their droppings, urine, or saliva. Humans can also contract these diseases by simply breathing in air contaminated with rodent dander or microparticles from their droppings. Now that’s just gross.

If potential health risks weren’t motivation enough to take rodent control measures, the damage that mice and rats can impose upon your property is also formidable. Rodents are notorious for:  

  • Chewing through electrical wiring
  • Ripping up insulation
  • Peeling off wallpaper
  • Chewing holes in stored items
  • Shredding important documents
  • Chewing holes in walls to access food storage areas

Ultimately, rats and mice can be aggressive chewers with insatiable appetites…a hunger that could ultimately cause costly damage to your home.

Facts You Didn’t Know You Needed to Know About Rodents

In celebration of Rodent Awareness Week, let’s talk rodent fun facts and statistics courtesy of the NPMA:

  • 29% of Americans have had a rodent problem in their lifetime.
  • 37% of American homeowners have seen a rodent in their home in the past year.
  • Northeastern states have the highest rate of rodent problems in the U.S.
  • 50% of infestations occur in the kitchen, 27% in the basement, and 24% in the attic.
  • 45% of infestations happen in the fall and winter.
  • Rats can squeeze through a hole the size of a quarter.
  • A mouse can birth up to 12 baby mice every three weeks.

In other words: if you find yourself with a rodent infestation on your hands, know you’re not alone. As pest control experts in New England since 1977, we can vouch for these numbers. After over 40 years of service, we’re well-equipped to handle rodents and dedicated to ensuring our communities are, too.

Rodent Control to the Rescue: How to Prevent and Protect Against Infestations

One of the best ways to prevent rodents from taking up residence in your home is to eliminate potential entry points. This means sealing up cracks and gaps in your home's foundation, walls, and roof. Additionally, you should keep your home clean and organized—because rodents love to hide and build nests in piles of clutter.

Another important step in preventing infestations is to make your home less attractive to rodents. This means eliminating potential sources of food and water, which are often what draws rodents into homes in the first place. Make sure to keep food in sealed containers and clean up spills and crumbs promptly. You should also fix any leaks or standing water sources that could attract rodents.

If you do end up with a mouse or rat infestation, it's important to act quickly to eliminate the problem. DIY rodent control solutions (like traps and baits) can be effective, but they may not be enough to fully eliminate an infestation. In these cases, it's best to call a professional pest control service. Pest control professionals will be able to assess the extent of the infestation and provide targeted rodent control solutions to eliminate the problem.

Together, We’ll Get Rodents Out—And Keep Them Out

Ultimately, Rodent Awareness Week serves as an important reminder of the dangers posed by these unwanted critters. By taking steps to prevent infestations, you can protect your family and your home from the health and property threats posed by mice and rats.  

If you think you may be confronted with an infestation, don't hesitate to contact us. Discuss your concerns with our dedicated team of rodent exclusion experts and we’ll schedule a free inspection and review your treatment options. Together, we’ll eliminate the problem for good—so you can get back to enjoying your home pest-free. Remember, prevention is key—so act now to keep rodents out of your life!