Apartment Living - Keeping the Pests Out

Apartment Living - Keeping the Pests Out

Apartment living can be wonderful in that you don't have to worry about taking care of things when they need repair or replacement. The property owner or landlord usually takes care of all of those things from leaky faucets to snow in the driveway. But what if you have pests in your apartment and you need to get rid of them fast and in a safe manner given that there may be multiple apartments within close proximity to your apartment?Request that the property manager take care of the pests in writing. The responsible person will call an exterminator like Pest-End Exterminators who can treat for multiple types of pests in a way that will be healthiest for all apartment dwellers as well as fast and effective. Here are a few prevention tips so that pests do not find your apartment inviting.

  • Clean Up - Keep a clean apartment. Wash dirty dishes and clean up any areas used to prep meals. Tiny crumbs and that little sticky spot where a drop of fruit juice spilled, are an appetizing meal for roaches and ants. Clean up the kitchen sink whenever there are spills, crumbs or food pieces visible.
  • Use Airtight Storage - Use storage bins to keep food safe from pests in your kitchen. You may also want to consider airtight storage in supply areas for holiday decorations where rodents may be tempted to set up a nice winter home.
  • Seal Things Up - While the property manager may be in charge of sealing up siding outside, you can do your part inside with maintaining screens, caulking and other seal tight methods.
  • Stay on Top Of It - Many apartment dwellers don't feel the need to inform property managers of very pest they see, but you should try to stay on top of which pests are where and how many of them there are. For example, use your smartphone to show which pests are in your apartment so that exterminators know what they are up against.