Amazing Ant Facts

Amazing Ant Facts

Seems like every spring the ants march back into our lives whether it's interrupting our outdoor barbecues, scrounging for bits of food in our kitchens or searching for water drips in our bathrooms. While these pests can be a huge nuisance they also have some amazing features. Let's discuss some amazing ant facts.

  • Most ants can lift 20x their weight. If a second grader was as strong as an ant, she would be able to pick up a car! Some ants can do this upside down.
  • Ants can live a long time. Some species can live up to 30 years!
  • There are over 12,000 species of ants across the globe.
  • The ant is the world's strongest creature in relation to its size.
  • Ants are found on every continent except Antarctica.
  • Ants can move 50 tons of soil in a square mile in a year!
  • When foraging, ants leave a pheromone trail so that they know where they've been.
  • Queen ants can have millions of babies!
  • When ants fight, it is usually to the death!
  • Most ants can hold their breath for 24 hours under water. Ants don't have lungs, they breath through small holes found around their bodies called 'spiracles'. When an ant is drowned in a flood, it may appear to be dead.
  • Antsuse vibrations to hear, using it when foraging for food or as an alarm signal.
  • The first ants were discovered to be around during the time of dinosaurs!

If you find ants are invading your home this Spring, call Pest-End exterminators to solve your pest problem.